C.Most, Founder Archives
August 2017
Dear Friends, Neighbors & Fellow Citizens,
Thanks for visiting. I kindly invite you to come help Invent Our Future. Let's play a game of 'What If' - draw a picture of what that might look like 7 Generations down the road for our children's children's children. All of us- locally, regionally, continentally & globally in a single conversation. Given all the common ground, shared values, desire for peace & smarts! we have, we can spark a level of engagement in the democratic process like never before. This is a NEW TOOL to do just that! You'll find the entire CITIZEN WISH LIST Conversation Starters HERE - and singularly on the the CitizenWishList page of www.CulturalCompassInstitute.org Very Best Regards, C.Most , Founder & Neighbor The Cultural Compass Institute, A non-profit, civil society organization. |
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