WHY NOT?Let's turn stormy skies to blue . . .
Do you feel the laws created by humanity are out of harmony, out of whack, even unjust, with Divine Law, with laws of Great Spirit, a Higher Order of right and wrong? Divine Law is honoring harmony that comes from a peaceful mind, an open heart a true tongue a light step a forgiving nature Love for All Creatures. Honor the past as our teacher the present as our creation the future as inspiration. This is a social experiment with a Higher Purpose - to break through the illusion find the messages of wisdom raise one voice find the path for transformation because the poor, the aged the feeble the earth families neighbors have honor. Life is sacred. I'm not a dreamer. I'm a wild dreamer. and I have a dream. Dreaming is going to where the future lives. Tribal teachings say that you are responsible for future generations because you are the ancestors of future generations. Why not have a single conversation about what we want make decisions based on values , not dollars quality and durability respect and honor learning and sharing quality of life & happiness as the measure. These are the dreams of bold future generations. So nourish them well. Make them proud 7 generations hence . . . |
Dear Friends, Neighbors & Fellow Citizens,
Thanks for visiting. I kindly invite you to come help Invent Our Future. Let's play a game of 'What If' - draw a picture of what that might look like 7 Generations down the road for our children's children's children. All of us- locally, regionally, continentally & globally in a single conversation. Given all the common ground, shared values, desire for peace & smarts! we have, we can spark a level of engagement in the democratic process like never before. This is a NEW TOOL to do just that! You'll find the entire CITIZEN WISH LIST Conversation Starters HERE - and singularly on the the CitizenWishList page of www.CulturalCompassInstitute.org Very Best Regards, C.Most , Founder & Neighbor The Cultural Compass Institute, A non-profit, civil society organization. |
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